Dorothy Lorenze

original oil paintings

VIntage Sleigh Bells

12x18" oil on board


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I was very pleased to receive these Vintage Sleigh Bells to be featured in a painting. They belong to friends and I just happened to notice them when I stopped by at Christmas time. THey told me the story of how these bells had been used for generations to signal the impending arrival of Santa Claus by shaking them out a second story window to simulate Santa's sleigh (the things we do to our kids!!!)

Leaving aside that torturous charade... these are awesome old sleigh bells with lots of character acquired over the years of loving use and it was a joy to paint them in the realistic trompe l'oeil style. Adding pinned up paper ephemera adds to the believable 3D "fool the eye" effect. Enjoy!

If you are interested in this painting, please reach me via email and I will get back to you right away.

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