©2018 Dorothy Lorenze

Dorothy Lorenze

original oil paintings

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Technically these are both "white" statues which means they could qualify as classical atelier exercises in "cast' paintings. The point of such exercises is to focus on form by observing shadow on an object with no color. This challenges the artist to create volume, mass and the illusion of depth in an object with no color changes. So the subtlety of "colors" of white are dependent on reflected color in the environment and shadows are strictly an absence of light.

While this bust of a young girl is a white plaster cast, she has an antique patina that adds a considerable degree of warmth, especially compared to the white dove which is wax and slightly translucent. I don't know how much of that is apparent in the painting but it created an interesting challenge. I do like how the two relate to one another and somehow I feel the young lady is gaining some wisdom or peace from the sweet bird. She is certainly attentive!

Conversation Piece

10x10" oil on board


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