Some paintings that have found new homes
Still Life
At the Opera
Plums in a Berry Basket ptg
Who Knows Where Time ptg
La Cure Gourmande ptg
Big Brother ptg
Monk's Mead painting
Strawberries and Cream painting
Going Solo painting
Pepper Jester
Book of Mango painting
Guinea Hen ptg
First Bell ptg
Taking Measure, Following Threads ptg
Mechanical Staccato
Plum Line painting
Alien Vegan painting
Muscoot Milkhouse painting
Green Glass Glows painting
East Meets West painting
Vintage Sleigh Bells archive
Noteworthy painting
Tête a Tête a Tootsie painting
Gentleman Caller painting
Table and Stairs painting
Ticket to Ride paintng
Daffodil Launch painting
Ranunculus in Crystal
Magnolia Blossom ptg
Paperwhite painting
Cabinet of Basketry painting
Rosy Ranunculus painting
Rosy Nosegay painting
If Wishes Were Horses painting
Weir Farm
Two d'Sweet painting
Santa's Chocolate Shadow painting
China Blue & Persimmons
Chick Please painting
A Congress of Characters Painting
Seriously, I Can't Even painting
Pottery Barn... Yard
Back to the Light, San Francisco painting
Blind Date
Lime Fizz painting
Five Little Onions painting
Come in. Peace
Dutch Apple painting
Heirloom and Hubbard painting
Mandarin Rising painting
Zsa Zsa Reigns painting
Chicks and Balances
Family Resemblance painting
Andover Mail painting
Thank You!
Orange and Opium archive
Orange Ginger painting
Blood Money painting
The Regiment painting
Sweeney Todd's Curtain Call painting
Conversation Piece painting
Walk a Lifetime in Her Shoes painting
Grace in Isolation
Slashing Pumpkin
Blue on Blue archive
Heirloom and Antique painting
Juicy & Blue
baby red onions archive
Ripe and Rusty painting
heirloom& antique archive
Orange and Opium painting
Blue on Blue painting
Plum Regal painting
Juicy & Blue painting
Baby Red Onions painting
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
Grey Roseville painting
Ghost Gourds
Mandarin Seraphim painting
Limes and Pitcher painting
Lime and Pitcher archive
Ripe and Rusty archive
Ocean Relic painting
Pandemic Potage
Dry Dock painting
Time After Time painting
On the Shore painting
chick please archive
Vintage Sleighbell painting
Five Little Onions
Recently Sold
Dorothy Lorenze
original oil paintings
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