©2016 Dorothy Lorenze

Big Brother Blue Hubbard

8" x 10" oil on linen


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The fellow on the left is a blue hubbard squash that I found at a farm stand in Concord,  MA,  run by an old school apple farmer and his (even older) dad. Typically my farm stand shopping is less about recipes and more about reflection, color and texture. So I was holding fruit and veggies up to the light when they asked if they could help me find something. I smiled politely and said, "not really, I'm looking for something to paint". I mentioned my interest in the blue-grey-green of Hubbard squash and the older fella started rummaging gently through bins of squash, holding up possible options. He was really into it and it felt perfectly normal to say, "nah, that one's too 'regular' or too 'lumpy' until we found this beauty.  Which, as it happens is a cross between hubbard and acorn growing in the same field. But it's ok to cross-pollinate, because their related and in the world of vegetables, that's ok!

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Dorothy Lorenze

original oil paintings