Dorothy Lorenze

original oil paintings

©2020 Dorothy Lorenze

Ripe and Rusty

6x12" oil on board

Currently available​ at Rockport Art Association through May 22

This rainbow of ripening tomatoes is just gorgeous... and yet, I snipped about 6 different (and equally tantalizing) sprays of cherry tomato vines before deciding which was the most perfect!  And that's seems to be my normal way of "auditioning" subjects for my still life compositions. 

​After the selection was made, the next task was to figure out what else would go in the compassion. This old painted door was chosen by default as it was leaning against the wall behind my painting table, trying to stay out of trouble and the contrast of lush ripe tomatoes with the rusty latch and dried, peeling paint caught my eye. And so the composition was complete. It even suggested it's own title: Ripe and Rusty.

Everything old is new again. I just love the contrast, hope you do too!

If you'd like to add this painting to your home, please reach out to Rockport Art Association, Rockport, MA.​

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